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Festival Pluggin de Música Coral
The Festival Pluggin of Choral Music received funding from the State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro (SECEC-RJ) through the Call Notice No. 04/2020 - Fomenta Festival, from the Aldir Blanc Law. It was three days of great music and joy connecting people through song. The festival aired at 8pm on March 18th, 19th, and 20th, 2021.
Festival Rio Coral
Pluggin was responsible for the production of The Rio Coral Festival, organized by Valeriano Productions, which also received funding from the State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro (SECEC-RJ) through Notice No. 04/2020 - Fomenta Festival, from the Aldir Blanc Law. The festival aired at 8:00 p.m. on April 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2021.
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